
Our research is frequently picked up by prominent UK and international media outlets. Professor Lavie regularly contributes to major science television programs and is committed to effective science communication and public engagement.

Selected examples:








More examples:


25.09.2017 “Five ways science can improve your focus” BBC
17.05.2017 “7 ways to tame your wandering mind and achieve better focus” New Scientist
12.02.2017 “A neuroscientist explains: how we perceive the truth – podcast.”  The Guardian


05.09.2016 “Change blindness: can you spot the difference?” Guardian
10.06.2016 “How to deal with distraction in an attention economy” ABC News
28.02.2016 “Conversations really do fall on deaf ears when you are texting: Research shows your brain is to blame as it stops you listening when using smartphones” Mail Online
20.02.2016 “The weird way looking at your phone can mess with your hearing”. Fox News
13.02.2016 “Power of concentration” BBC Brazil
09.02.2016 “How good are you at concentrating? Take the test” The Telegraph
09.02.2016 “Visual teaser tests just how distracted you are” NBC News
09.02.2016 “How quickly can you spot the two ‘O’s in these puzzles? It could reveal how strong your concentration levels are” The Independent
08.02.2016 “How easily distracted are YOU?” The Daily mail
07.02.2016 “How good are you at concentrating?” The Guardian
01.01. 2016 Attention on the brain APS Observer


16.12.2015 “The dangers of texting while parenting” PBS Newshour
16.12.2015 Bob Hirshon Podcast: Inattentional Deafness. AAAS Science
15.12.2015 “Distractibility trait predisposes some to attentional lapses” APS News
09.12.2015 “Inattentional Deafness” BBC Radio 5 Live
09.12.2015 “Lesen oder Zuhören – beides geht nicht” Deutsche Welle
09.12.2015 “Why youngsters zone out when playing computer games” – The Daily Telegraph (in print, page 13)
09.12.2015 “Deaf to the World” – The Times (in print, page 22)
09.12.2015 ” Staring at your phone screen can make you temporarily ‘deaf'” Tech Insider
09.12.2015 “Zoning out: Teenagers really can’t hear you when playing computer games” Daily Express
09.12.2015 “Smart Phones Actually Cause Temporary Deafness” Mirror Daily
09.12.2015 ” There’s a Scientific Reason Why You’re Ignoring People, Study Says” TIME
09.12.2015 ” Momentary deafness can occur due to excessive concentration on visual task” Business Standard
09.12.2015 “Focusing On A Task May Leave You Temporarily Deaf: Study” Tech Times
09.12.2015 “Why focusing on a visual task will make us deaf to our surroundings” UCL News
08.12.2015 ” Why you can get away with not hearing your partner while you’re flicking through Facebook on your phone” Telegraph
08.12.2015 ” Your brain can’t swipe and hear at the same time, scans show” Today
08.12.2015 ” They Really Didn’t Hear You”
08.12.2015 “Why your man can’t watch TV and chat at the same time: Focusing on visual tasks leaves people deaf to sounds around them” Daily Mail
08.12.2015 “Watch Out! Visual Concentration Can Leave You Temporarily ‘Deaf’ ” ABC News (As featured by Good Morning America)
17.11.2015 “Time to focus and take our diversion quiz?” The Sun
05.11.2015 ” Apparently We Spend Over A Quarter Of Our Time Being Distracted” MarieClaire
04.11.2015 “Is your mobile making YOU unhappy ? Checking phones eats up 15 per cent of our leisure time and affects our mood”  Daily Mail 



20.11.2014 “Zen and the Art of Cubicle Living”   The Atlantic
16.10.2014 “Concentrate! How to tame a wandering mind” BBC.COM
4.10.2014 “
Special Report: The Human Mind – A User’s Guide: Attention.” New scientist feature article and cover story.
01.10.2014. “Mind expanding: How to hack your attention span” New Scientist
13.08.2014 “Blind für die Umwelt: Multitasking überfordert Kinder”. Der Spielgel.
07.06.2014 Inattentional deafness: won’t listen or can’t listen? Daily Telegraph
27.05.2014 (first aired)All in the mind” BBC Radio 4 – Program centered on visual overload. Listen now
25.05.2014 “Why children can’t see what’s right in front of them” BBC News – Ranked as 1st top story
15.05.2014 “How to power down a busy mind” Yahoo News
03.05.2014 “Watch out: children more prone to looking but not seeing”. Health Canal.
02.05.2014 “Watch out: Children more prone to looking but not seeing” UCL news
02.05.2014 “Your kids may not be ignoring you on purpose” Yahoo News
30.04.2014 “Watch out: Children more prone to looking but not seeing”. ScienceDaily.
30.04.2014 “Watch out: Children more prone to looking but not seeing”. Medical Express
 “5 ways to power down a busy mind” 
28.04.2014 “5 ways to power down a busy mind” Oprah
17.03.2014 “Why it’s not that dim to bump into a lamp-post” Daily Mail
17.03.2014 “Information overload acts ‘to dim the lights’ on what we see” UCL news


20.11.2013 Why do I overlook the obvious”. Naked Scientists, Cambridge.
2.09.2013 “Inattention is a major fact in road accidents” “ABC Radio National Australia” Health Report” Interview
20.08.2013 “Daydreamers are distracted by EVERYTHING – not just their own thoughts” Mail Online  
16.07.2013 “Terror in the skies series, episode 2: pilot error” Channel 4
21.03.2013 “How to avoid mistakes in medical surgery” BBC Horizon
21.03.2013 “What we can learn from fatal mistakes in surgery” BBC news
16.02.2013 “Why do radiologists miss dancing gorillas?” BBC News
10.02.2013 “ABC Radio National Australia” Health Report” Interview
01.02.2013 “Is city living harming your brain?” The Globe and Mail, Canada


30.12.2012 “Sat-navs blind drivers to road ahead as they ‘hold the image in their mind’” Mail Online
29.11.2012 “Sat-navs ‘could be dangerous’, study claims, warning of ‘road blindness’” Metro
28.11.2012 “Sat navs can ‘blind’ drivers to the road” Daily Telegraph
01.10.2012 “Study reveals how memory load leaves us ‘blind’ to new visual information” Wellcome Trust News  
03.08.2012 “’Inattention blindness’ due to brain load” Medical Express
17.07.2012 “Inattention blindness’ due to brain load” UCL news,
06.06.2012 “The curious case of Sherlock Holmes and perceptual load” The Psychologist.
27.05.2012 “’Selectively deaf’ husbands might have a point”  Daily Telegraph News
01.05.2012 “UK doctors blast McDonalds’ Olympic sponsorship” Fox News
01.05.2012 “UK docs rip food, drink sponsorship” ESPN News
18.04.2012 “Will adverts at the Olympics increase fast food consumption?” BBC News
03.04.2012 “Study: People with autism better at processing information” – Welcome Trust News  CBS News  Science Daily
01.04.2012 “Thinking smarter about people who think differently” Wired Magazine
31.03.2012 “The Upside of Autism” The Wall Street Journal
18.01.2012 “Hey, did you hear? …Why we don’t listen!” Scientific American


11.08.2011 “The illusion of attention The Guardian Science news,
27.05.2011 “Lost in a book? How reading and doing crosswords can block your ability to hear” Mail Online
27.05.2011 “How our focus can silence the noisy world around us” Wellcome Trust News  
27.05.2011 “How our focus can silence the noisy world around us” British Neuroscience Association  
27.05.2011 “’Selectively deaf’ husbands might have a point” Daily Telegraph
27.05.2011 “Are you paying attention? Reading this could make you ‘deaf’ to the world around you” The Mirror
27.05.2011 “How our focus can silence the noisy world around us” The Independent
27.05.2011 “How our focus can silence the noisy world around us”
27.05.2011 “How our focus can silence the noisy world around us” Money Times
27.05.2011 “How our focus can silence the noisy world around us” Men’s Health US.
27.05.2011 “How our focus can silence the noisy world around us” Radio 5 live interview
27.05.2011 “The downside of concentration: it can make you deaf” National Post
28.04.2011 Feature article on attention. Die Zeit


12.11.2010 “People spend ‘half their waking hours daydreaming“ BBC News
17.03.2010 “Can brain scans help companies sell more?” BBC News
01.02.2010 (First Aired) “The truth behind crop circles” National Geographic


28.09.2009 ” Key to subliminal messaging is to keep it negative, study shows”. BBC News 
28.09.2009 “Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists” Daily Telegraph
28.09.2009 “Power of the hidden message revealed” The Independent
28.09.2009 “Negative subliminal messages more effective” CBS News
28.09.2009 ”Key to subliminal messaging is to keep it negative, study shows”. Radio 4 PM hour.
28.09.2009 Key to subliminal messaging is to keep it negative, study shows”. Wellcome Trust ‘news and features’
09.06.2009 “No room for daydreaming: harnessing the ever-wandering mind.” Wellcome Trust ‘news and features’
24.03.2009 Brain waves ‘foreshadow mistakes’ BBC News
03.04.2009 “New test targets employees with wandering minds” Globe and Mail,
11.02.2009  Feature article “volle Konzentration” Zeit Wissen (Die Zeit scientific magazine), Germany


01.12.2008 (First Aired) Discovery Channel “Weird Connections”: The invisible Gorilla episode. A full-length episode describing how ‘load theory’ accounts for failures of visual perception by car drivers and pilots.
09.05.2008 “Internazionale” Italy
06.02.2008 “Ask the expert: What distracts us” Prof. Lavie Zeit Wissen (Die Zeit scientific magazine) Germany


02.06.2007 Israel National Radio interview
31.05.2007 BBC 5 Live Radio interview
30.05.2007 BBC 3 Counties Radio interview
30.05.2007 Irish Talk Radio interview
18.12.2007 “Concentration on the Job May Call for Distractions” The Wall Street Journal
15.12.2007  “Focus, focus, focus” New Scientist feature article and cover story
02.06.2007 “Have I got News for you, BBC1”  (covering the use of distraction measure as an employee selection test)
31.05.2007 “Distraction test for job seekers” Channel 4 News 
30.05.2007 “Test to find easily distracted workers” Daily Telegraph
30.05.2007 UCL scientist develops a measure of distraction UCL News
29.05.2007 “Employee test spots inattention’” BBC News


26.05.2006 “Not very vital signs” The Mirror
23.03.2006 “Signing away safety” The Psychologist
15.01.2006 “Magic brain” ABC News
24.12.2005 “Flogging a dead horse” New Scientist


24.12.2005 “Flogging a dead horse” New Scientist
01.09.2005 “Blind for the change” Der Spiegel
27.08.2005 “How card sharps fool the best of us” New Scientist
26.08.2005 “Science in Action” BBC Radio 4 Worldservice
24.08.2005 “Why we can miss ‘obvious’ sights” BBC News
29.07.2005 “Watch my hands deceive you” BBC News
01.12.2005 “Hocus Focus” Discover